ubuntu comes accompanied android

Linux-based techniques that were previously rumored to make everyday life in mobile cellular phones and items not appearing most likely not last the wind conditions.

Module 2 Practical E-Commerce

STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta | Tohir Ismail | 2011 Module 2 Practical E-Commerce PHP-UP 1. CONTROL STRUCTURE a. FOR b. WHILE, DO .. WHILE c. IF, ELSE, ELSE IF d. SWITCH

Kinds of effects Jquery

jQuery is a small JavaScript library that emphasizes open-sourced on the interaction between JavaScript and HTML. This library was released in January 2006 at BarCamp NYC by John Resig and dual licensed under MIT and GPL

Understanding Array

ARRAY is the array variable or a structured type consisting of a number of components that have the same type. An array has a fixed number of components that number. The number of components in an array is shown by an index to distinguish one variable with another variable.

Example Of Making a dynamic PROGRAM

Add the following statement at the top of the code import java.io.BufferedReader; java.io.InputStreamReader import; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.*;

Rabu, 30 Mei 2012

Address root servers (2004)

DNS: Root name server 
Root name server

Address root servers (2004)

A.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.  (VeriSign, Dulles, VA)              
B.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.  (ISI, Marina Del Rey CA)         
C.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.  (Cogent Communications)         
D.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. (University of Maryland)             
E.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. (NASA Ames Research Center) 
F.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. (Internet Systems Consortium)    
G.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. (U.S. Department of Defense)    
H.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. (U.S. Army Research Lab)         
I.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.  (Autonomica / NORDUnet)        
J.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. (Verisign, multiple cities)              
K.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. (RIPE, Europe multiple cities)     
L.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. (IANA, Los Angeles)                  
M.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. (WIDE, Tokyo, Seoul, Paris)      

source : www.scribd.com

Senin, 23 April 2012

How to Make Green Screen Tutorial - Chroma Key Movie Effects Change Backgrounds

How to Make Green Screen Tutorial - Chroma Key Movie Effects Change  Backgrounds

NIM : 10.12.5027

Jurusan Sistem Informasi
Semester Ganjil

Alhamdulillahirobbilalamin, all praise be to Allah Lord of the Universe for all the blessings, grace, Taufik, and His guidance so that I can complete the task with the title "How to Make Green Screen Tutorial - Chroma Key Backgrounds Movie Effects Change".

In the preparation of this task, the author gained a lot of support from other parties.
I would like to thank Mr. HENRY P, IR, MM, M. Kom, as the professor who has provided guidance and direction so that I can accomplish this task, and both parents, my extended family, and fellow students who STMIK AMIKOM YOGYAKARTA always pray and give me motivation.

I realize that this task there are still many shortcomings.
Therefore, I expect criticism and constructive suggestions that this task can be even better. Final words I hope the terms of reference of this task can provide insight and knowledge to the common reader and the writer in particular,

Description of Duties
Green screen is a great addition to video production. Film of the green screen provides the ability to film was shot in a room outside the room, and replace the background with any outside elements that want to do during the final editing process. Film scenes hiking in the living room, and replace the background with Mount Everest later

What you need
2.PVC pipe
4.4 bungee cords or strong rubber bands

1. Buy you a green screen material. Ensure that all types of non-reflective green material, felt, feathers or even kapasakan work. Buy a larger size, 10 feet should be plenty.

2. piece your desired fabric. Clean up a large space in the room filming and clear it of debris all. Measure the space before cutting your green screen material. Cut the material for the measurement of filming the room cleaned you.

3.fabric shops to the wall cloth if you plan to shoot in space at any time. If you need a portable green screen, building frames.

4.buy pipes PVC from your local stores. Purchase enough to make your frame slightly larger than your green screen material is cut. If your material is 4 feet by 6 feet, you need a 5-foot by 7-foot frame.

5.piece hole in your fabric of each leg. Borlubang in your PVC to match it, and then loop material for pipe loop with bungee cords or strong rubber bands.

The process of making a video or image using the chroma key technique is the subject to be photographed standing in front of the background with one color, or a bit of color composition. Commonly used color is green or blue because these colors are considered at least kulit.Porsi color resembles the color green or blue in the background belakangakan replaced with another image. This process is known as keying, keying out, or just key.

Currently the most commonly used color green than other colors, for receiving the image sensor in a digital video camera is the most sensitive to green color. This is consistent with Bayer Pattern that allocates more pixels kesaluran green, mimicking the human eye sensitivity is increased terhadapc ahayahijau.Oleh therefore, the green camera channel experience less interference and produces the most jernih.Tambahan key again, the less light needed to illuminate green color, green color due to the sensitivity of the sensor image over the bright green tinggi.Warna also favored because the bias so the blue background color to resemble the subject's eyes or clothing.

The blue color was used before the widespread use of digital keying, because blue is required for the optical process, but requires more radiation than the color green. Nevertheless, the blue color has the advantage that in the visual spectrum, the color blue more than red, which is the main color of the skin manusia.Faktor most important key is the separation between the foreground color (the subject) with a background color (the screen). The blue screen will be used if the primary color of green dalah subjeka (eg if the subject of a plant), although the camera is more sensitive to green color.

In the analog color television, color is represented by the phase of the chroma subcarrier relative to osilatorrujukan.Kunci chroma is generated by comparing the phase of the video denganfase corresponding with the previously selected color. Video portion is replaced with another video in the background.

Digital television in color, the image is represented by three numbers (red, green, blue). Chroma key is generated by a simple numerical comparison between the video with the previous color selected colors on the screen corresponding suatutempat (exactly, or the like), then the video in place will be replaced with another background video.

Chroma key subject must not wear clothing with colors that resemble the color of the chroma key (warnalatar), because the color of clothes can be replaced with a video background, unless deliberate demikian.Contoh deliberate use is when the actor wearing a green or blue bodies to make it visible in the final shot. This technique can be used to produce an effect similar to the effects of invisibility cloak that used in the movie Harry Potter. The actor can also be recorded against the background of the chroma key and background shot put with a distortion effect with the aim of creating a garment that can be detected fine. The problem arises when the costumes used to be colored blue and hijau.Misalnya, in Spider-Man movie in 2002, the scene where Spider-Mandan fight in the air Green Goblin, Spider-man should be recorded in front of a green screen for ya kostumn blue and red. While the Green Goblin should be recorded on a blue screen, because the fully-colored costumes worn hijau.Jika depanlayar both recorded at the same time, makasalah one character is removed from the shot.

The blue color is generally used for weather maps and special effects, because these colors to complement with manusia.Penggunaan color blue is also related to the fact that the film emulsion layer has a crystal blue of the purest and therefore has good detail and minimal grain, compared with emulsion color red and green. However, in the digital world, the color green to the color of your favorite digital cameras for storing more detail in the green channel, green danwarna also need less light than the color biru.Hijau not only has a higher value than blue light, but also in the initial digital format, the green channel as an example two times more frequently than the blue channel, green is more familiar to use. Actual choice of color depends on the artist effects (effects artist) and kebutuhanakan particular shot. In the past decade, the use of green to be dominant in movie special effects. Green background is also preferable from the blue when filming done in the open, because the blue sky into the frame bias and inadvertently replaced participate in the chroma key process.

Although green and blue is the color commonly used, but in fact almost all the color magenta screens used digunakan.Adakalanya bias, magenta or fuschia nilaiwarna called a magic pink key.
Along with improved pictures and equipment, many companies avoid the confusion that is often experienced by weather presenters cuaca.Dahulu presenter should watch yourself on the monitor to melihatgambar shown behind them, kinigambar projected kelayar thin green / blue. It inimembuat the presenter is able to accurately indicate a place and look at the map without having looked at the monitor.

Newer technique is to use curtains retroreflektif (retrore flective curtain), in the background, along with circular LED (Light Emitting Diode) that light around the lens kamera.Dengan this way, there should be no light to illuminate the background, in addition to the LED just need a bit of power and place, not like a big stage lights. In addition it also does not require rigging LED (light mounting). Possible by advances in the practical temukannya blue LED in the 1990's. The same goes for emerald green LED.
There is also bentukcolor keying using invisible light spectrum of people, called Thermo-Key key.Thermo using infra red as its color key, which can not be replaced by the background image post-processing.

Green screen is a great addition to video production. Film of the green screen provides the ability to film was shot in a room outside the room, and replace the background with any outside elements that want to do during the final editing process
Quite well in because of the color green has become a favorite color.

Thus we can describe the material that becomes subject to this task, of course, still many shortcomings and weaknesses, because of the limited knowledge and lack of referral or reference that has to do with this job title.
I much hope that the reader can provide constructive criticism and suggestions to me for this job perfectly and the writing task at the opportunity - the next opportunity.

This task may be useful for me in particular, also the general reader.

Print screen

• d t s 991 The Chroma Effect. Chroma Key Tutorial. BorisFX. Published 11 January 2010. "If the foreground is a person then blue or green color backing is recommended as these colors are not present in human flesh pigments. In fact, human skin color is red for 70% of all people regardless of race."

• Illusions Take Home First Oscars. CRI English. 2005-02-14. Published 2009-01-21

• Creating an invisible cape in After Effects

• So you wanna make a theme?. skinyourscreen.com articles. Sunrise 2008-08-23.

• What is Thermo-Key?. University of Tokyo. Sunrise 2009-01-21.

• Yasuda, K.; Naemura, T.; Harashima, H.. Thermo-key: human region segmentation from video. IEEE. Published 2009-01-21

• www.google.com


Sabtu, 21 April 2012



Enumeration is a data type that has elements of type constants in the order specified. The values
​​of these constants in the form of integer values ​​represented by the identifier written between curly brackets "{" and "}".This type is declared with the enum keyword.

Enumeration declaration:

Nama_enumerasi enum {value1, value2, ...}

Example program 3:

/ / program to access the structure elements
# include <iostream>
# include <conio.h>

j_kel enum {male, female};
int main () {

struct students
                {Int nis;
                char name [20];
                j_kel sex;
                / / input data
                A.nis = 123;
                A.nama == "Windha";
                A.kelamin = female;
                / / output data
                cout << "\ nNis:" << endl << A.nis;
                cout << "Name:" << A.nama;
                cout << "\ nKelamin:" << A.kelamin;
                getch ();}

Structures that contain other structures

A structure can contain the elements of the other structures.

# include <stdio.h>
# include <conio.h>
# include <iostream>
main ()
struct date {int day;
                                int month;
                                int year;};
struct address {char path [30];
                                char city [20];};
struct {char name [40];
                                struct date of entry;
                                struct residential address;
                                float salary;}
employees = {"Arief Kurniawan", 17,11,87, "Highway 5", "Yogyakarta", 750000.00};
/ * display the employee data * /
cout << "Employee Name:           " << karyawan.nama;
cout << "\ nTangggal Log:             " << karyawan.masuk.hari
cout << "\ nThis address:              " << karyawan.tinggal.jalan;
cout << "\ n                                        " << karyawan.tinggal.kota;
cout << "\ Koran Employees Rp" << karyawan.gaji;
getch ();

Structures Data Using C + +

The structure is a collection of data elements that are combined into a single unit of data. Each data element is called a field or structural elements. The field can have different data types or, even if those fields in a single entity but can still be accessed individually.

Declaration of structure

struct name_struktur
type1 element1;
type2 element2; member / element of the structure
element3 type3;
Name_object} / / identifier that is used to call the structure
------------ Or ---------------
struct nama_struktur
type1 element1;
element2 type2;
element3 type3;

struct nama_struktur nama_object;

Examples of structures with different data types:
struct student
nim char [10];
char name [25];
majors char [2];
float GPA;

Examples of structures with the same data type:
struct date
int date;
int month;
int year;

Can be written --- or ---
struct date
int day, month, year;

Example program 1:

/ / Program inventory data
# Include
# Include
struct {stock
char name [50];
int Number;
main () {
cout << "Enter the item name ="; cin >> stoks.nama;
cout << "Enter the number of items ="; cin >> stoks.jml;
cout << ""; cout << "------------------------- \ n"; cout << ""; cout << "Output" << stoks.nama << "="; cout << stoks.jml; getch ();} Can also be written: / / Program inventory data # Include
# Include
struct {stock
char name [50];
int Number;
struct stoks stock;
main () {
cout << "Enter the item name ="; cin >> stoks.nama;
cout << "Enter the number of items ="; cin >> stoks.jml;
cout << ""; cout << "------------------------- \ n"; cout << ""; cout << "Output" << stoks.nama << "="; cout << stoks.jml; getch ();}

Example program 2: 

/ / Program to access the structure elements # Include
# Include
struct data_tgl
{Int date, month, year;};
struct a friend
{Char name [20];
j_kel char [1];
struct data_tgl date;};
struct a friend info;
main ()
/ / Input data
cout << "Enter your name:"; cin >> info.nama;
cout << "Your Gender ="; cin >> info.j_kel;
cout << "Your birth date ="; cin >> info. tanggal.tgl;
cout << "Your birth month ="; cin >> info. tanggal.bln;
cout << "The year you were born:"; cin >> info. tanggal.thn;
cout << "";
cout << "------------------------- \ n";
cout << "";
/ / Output data
cout << "Name:" << info.nama;
cout << "\ nKelamin:" << info.j_kel;
cout << "\ nTanggal born:" << info.tanggal.tgl << "-" << info.tanggal.bln << "-" << info.tanggal.thn;
getch ();}


Minggu, 15 April 2012



NIM: 10.12.5027
CLASS: 10-S1-SI-12


Thank God with thanksgiving Thesis e-commerce applications can I finish.

Thesis provides an overview of how companies can Increasing business competition in the modern era through media advertising (e-commerse) on the internet. E-commerce in use by the world's top companies because of market pressures, the pressures of technology, and social pressure. E-commerce prompted the company to re-engineer its business processes. In addition, e-commerce is also changing the theory and practice of marketing which then leads to product innovation and supply chain management company that makes e-commerce using excel in competition.

Authors are aware that scientific work is far from perfect. Therefore, suggestions and criticism from readers is very harpakan writer for scientific work is incomplete. Do not forget my father saying to Prof.DR.M.Suyanto, MM who has been instrumental to the motivations and friends that I can not mention one by one.

Hopefully this scientific work can be beneficial and used as reference material that could give insight in the field of enhancing the company's business competition through internet media.

Yogyakarta, 23 APRIL 2012

Amrih Rohino Mukti

By: Amrih rohino mukti

E-commerce is a website where the supply or can perform transactions online or can also be a way to shop or trade online or direct selling that make use of Internet facilities where there are websites that can provide the service "get and deliver". E-commerce will change all marketing activities and also at the same time cutting operating costs for the trading activities (trading).

The opinion on the understanding that the E-Commerce E-commerce refers to online shopping and internet to more narrow range. where e-commerce is subperangkat of E-Business. the method of payment: via digital money transfer such as through a paypal account or credit card.
E-commerce or e-commerce is part of the e-business, where the scope of e-business more broadly, not just commercial but also pengkolaborasian include business partners, customer service, etc. jobs. In addition to networking technologies www, e-commerce also requires a database or database technology (databases), e-mail or electronic mail (e-mail), and the form of non-computer technology as well as other delivery systems, and tools for e-payment this trade.
E-commerce with the company's management is very closely related, because here e-commerce acts as a marketing tool for menyampaikam information in order to achieve the goal.
Hopefully this paper can be useful and used as reference material that could give insight in the field of enhancing competition in the field of business through internet media.

1.1. Background
Many companies have switched to e-commerce with a variety of reasons. One is the convenience provided the technology to make e-commerce as an alternative to trade in an efficient and effective, both in terms of time, effort and money. In summary e-commerce is able to handle the following issues:
1. Automation, process automation to replace manual processes. ("Enerprise resource planning" concept)
2. Integration, integrated processes that will improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the process. ("Just in time" concept)
3. Publications, provides services for promotional and communications products and services are marketed. ("Electronic cataloging" concept)
4. Interaction, exchange data or information between the various parties that will minimize the "human error" ("electronic data interchange / EDI" concept)
5. Transaction, an agreement between two parties to conduct transactions involving other institutions as the party that handles payment. ("Electronic payment" concept)
Another thing that makes e-commerce into land for business prospects is the status of internet users who are increasingly growing. Self-employed entrepreneurs can create new jobs for themselves and for others. This is what is meant by new market opportunities for business.

1.2. Purpose
• Design and make an application of electronic stores (e-Computer Store), which can be used to simplify the purchasing process through the medium of the Internet

• Designing e-Commerce is focused on e-selling (sales and online transactions) according to the needs of the company.

• The ability for customers to be able to obtain clear information about existing products, customers do not need to come shingga directly or awaiting delivery of the product.

E-commerce applications

E-Commerce 1.1.Aplikasi in stock

In the field-Commerce saham.e of SmartMoney, Forbes, Worth, Barron, and according to the survey from Gomes in 2001 who reported that investors really like Charles Schwab, For providing the information "account" in real-time, data and profit and loss automatically, and provide research data and detailed functional.

The company is in addition to providing online facilities, also provides an online facility with 400 branch offices that allow buyers to share face to face with the experts at Charles Schwab.

Charles Schwab also provides the facility to find the funds and stocks that have a prospect, can participate in the stock business and invest in the "Option" and "IPO" for the inexperienced investor. Figure 1.1 shows the site e-Commerce Charles Schwab https://www.schwab.com/
Figure 1.1 E-Commerce Website Charles Schwab

1.2.Aplikasi e-Commerce in the field of Employment Search

In the field of employment, the best e-Commerce occupied by Monster.com and in one after another by Jobsonline.com and Hotjob.com newly acquired Monster.com.

Monster.com provides job-hunting facilities, also provide facilities for disabled career, gives tips to face interviews, to help find a rental truck Jobonline While it is the leading career resource that provides the best value for both job seekers and the need to employ perusaahan working. Figure 1.2 shows the e-Commerce sites http://www.jobsonline.com/
Figure 1.2 E-Commerce Site Jobsonline

1.3.Aplikasi e-Commerce in Financial Services
The field of financial services including personal financial services, financial planning tax, loan sources, and banking. E-Commerce which is a personal finance service that provides a facility SmartMoney.com car insurance price list, price list of products in a store, the list price of sea ISP (Internet Service Provider) and provides a list of job openings, travel booking, ticket prices are cheap, around 1000 dollars for Africa Safari. Figure 1.3 shows the e-Commerce sites http://www.smartmoney.com/
 Figure 1.3 E-Commerce Site SmartMoney

1.4.Aplikasi e-Commerce in Insurance
E-Commerce applications in the field of insurance carried by the Berkshire Harthway, according to Fortune magazine merupakn insurance company of the most powerful (rank one) of the world in 2002. Berkshire Harthway most admirable of 50 companies (The world's most companies adimired 2002) is ranked 4.di addition Harthway Berkshire states that have the highest quality products at competitive premium rates. Figure 1.4 shows the e-Commerce sites http://brkdirect.com/
Figure 1.4 E-Commerce Site Harthway Berkshire

1.5.Aplikasi e-Commerce in the areas of Retail and Mall
Electronic Ritail is direct sales (business to consumer) via the store or mall electronics: usually designed in an electronic catalog format. some companies, such as Wal-Mart on line, Amazone.com & Toy, Peapod, and so forth.
Amazon.com is the best online stores Yahoo magazine in 2002. Figure 1.5 shows the e-Commerce sites http://www.amazon.com/
Figure 1.5 e-commerce site Amazon.com

1.6.Aplikasi e-Commerce in the field of Travel
Travel industry is growing rapidly in all dunia.e-Commerce is an ideal place to plan, mengekspolrasi, and arrange almost any trip.
C-Commerce sites for the best travel are priceline.com that have facilities such as booking airline tickets, hotel rooms, rental cars, vacations, cruises, low-cost loans. Figure 1.6 shows the e-Commerce sites http://www.priceline.com
Figure 1.6 E-Commerce Site priceline.com

1.7.Aplikasi e-Commerce in the Auction
E-Commerce auction site best occupied by eBay.com. Category on eBay.com auction, including art asia, automotive, books and manuscripts, decorative arts, dolls, and toys, painting, jewelry and clocks, keepsakes, apparel and accessories, coins and stamps, music and instruments,
Electronic auction consists of all kinds, including auto auctions, auction art collection, and the ticket auction website. Figure 1.7 shows the e-Commerce sites http://www.ebay.com/
Figure 1.7 E-Commerce website eBay.com

Sabtu, 14 April 2012

BackTrack 5 R2 Released! Mar 1st, 2012

 BackTrack is intended for all audiences from the most savvy security professionals to early newcomers to the information security field. BackTrack promotes a quick and easy way to find and update the largest database of security tools collection to-date. Our community of users range from skilled penetration testers in the information security field, government entities, information technology, security enthusiasts, and individuals new to the security community.

Feedback from all industries and skill levels allows us to truly develop a solution that is tailored towards everyone and far exceeds anything ever developed both commercially and freely available. The project is funded by Offensive Security. Whether you’re hacking wireless, exploiting servers, performing a web application assessment, learning, or social-engineering a client, BackTrack is the one-stop-shop for all of your security needs

Jumat, 13 April 2012



A. Differences in Procedural Programming and Object Oriented Programming.
The computer program consists of code and data. Program code is a logical process (Eg function) and the data is in the form of variables and constants. In the traditional model or procedural (process-oriented model) all data and code merged into one part in a program. In the programming model object oriented (object-oriented model), components of the program conceptually be broken down into separate parts called objects. Each object has data (properties, variables and constants in the form) and methods (behavior or the ability to do something, be a function). Object definition is a entity that has the data and method. Human examples (objects) have data (Name, sex, weight, height) and method (how to speak, the way walk, how to be angry). In the programming world objects are abstracted as a class (Class). Or in other words, the class is an abstract form of the object. Concrete manifestation instance of a class called. Examples of human beings, then the instance it is Budi, Siti, etc.. Cat class, then it is someone's instansce meow, the sweet, etc..
Advantages of object-oriented pemrogramana are:
o Object-reusable objects (reusable) for programs other.
o The program is more structured and easier to develop.
o Characteristically natural or natural, because the behavior and properties in program will be tailored to the real objects that exist in nature about.
2. Software needed
To create a java program, the minimum required is:

a. Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition (J2SE). This software downloaded from the bias
http://www//javasun.com/products/. or before the SDK there is JDK (Java
Development Kit)

b. Text editor. Useful to write program code that will
made. Eg notepad. To simplify writing of code
bias is used IDE (Integrated Development Environtment), eg
NetBeans, JCreator

3. Setting the CLASSPATH

CLASSPATH is a system variable that is used to
says the program is written in Java where the location of classes of
to be used. Then we can compile and execute
program that we make of our working directory.
Examples of the working directory in D: \ DATA then typed in the path setting
in the command prompt is set CLASSPATH =. : D: \ DATA
Or if you want to allow the compilation and program execution can
performed from any directory and is permanent, it can be typed
The following command into the AUTOEXEC.BAT file
set PATH = C: \ java \ jdk1.6.0 \ bin;% PATH%
To check whether PATH setting is successful, then type the command
javac or java in any directory.
If implemented in Windows, how to set his path clash is as
the following:

Step 1.
Turn on the system of control panel, or from Windows Explorer right-click My
Computer à Properties à Advanced.
So that the image will appear as below.
Step 2.
Then click Environment Variables that appear as below.
Click on New.

Step 3.
Fill in the textbox in New user variables, as shown below.
Then click OK.
Step 4.
Fill in the textbox in the New System Variable
Then click OK.

Step 5.
Check the classpath setting, by the way go to the DOS Prompt, then type
java or javac in any directory.
If you have any view as above, then setting the classpath succeeded.

4. Creating a Program
The steps to create a program are:
1) Enable Text editor (eg Notepad)
2) Type the program listings
3) Save the file with file name berekstension. Java

Program 1-1
/ * This is my first Java program * /
public class {Programku
public static void main (string [] args) {
System.out.println ("Hello World ....");
System.out.println ("I'm learning java language ...");

Then save the file by adding quotation marks in the file name. In the case of file name must match the name of the class, because the name of the class in the example program is Programku 1-1 above, then the file name also my program followed by a capital letter or not, because Java is case sensitive (influential case sensitive).

5. Analysis Proogram
1-1 In accordance with the above program, there are several parts:

a. Comment line
/ * This is my first Java program * /
Java provides three ways to make a comment such as using
a / * ..... * /, / /, / ** ..... ** /

b. Definition of class
public class {Programku
Line above the word remedy kunsi class defines a new class and
followed by the name of the class. Why??
In all Java programs are classes (class).
{Curly brackets are used to initiate a block in the program, and closed with a}.

c. Method Definitions
public static void main (string [] args) {
Above line will begin method main () is the main method that would
shared by all Java programs (other than applets) and will be executed first
times when the program starts.
Said public key is used to determine the level of access method.
This means that the method can be accessed by external code (outside of class Programku).
Kunsi word static is used because the method main () will be called by
Java interpreter.
A Java program will not compile without the method main ().

d. Displaying Text
System.out.println ("Hello World ...");
System.out.println ("I'm learning java language ...");
The code above is used to display the text "Hello World ..." and
"I am learning java language ...".

e. End of Course Section
                Characterized by a close curly brackets}.

6. Do Compiling Programs
The steps to compile the program are:
1) Enable Prompt or MS-DOS command prompt application

2) Turn on the working directory used to store the file. To enable use the command CD (change directory)

3) Make a program compile with javac command followed by the name file.java The       results of the command javac will form berekstension file. Class

4) Execute or run the program
