Enumeration is a data type that has elements of type constants in the order specified. The values of these constants in the form of integer values represented by the identifier written between curly brackets "{" and "}".This type is declared with the enum keyword.
Enumeration declaration:
Nama_enumerasi enum {value1, value2, ...}
Example program 3:
/ / program to access the structure elements
# include <iostream>
# include <conio.h>
j_kel enum {male, female};
int main () {
struct students
{Int nis;
char name [20];
j_kel sex;
/ / input data
A.nis = 123;
A.nama == "Windha";
A.kelamin = female;
/ / output data
cout << "\ nNis:" << endl << A.nis;
cout << "Name:" << A.nama;
cout << "\ nKelamin:" << A.kelamin;
getch ();}
Structures that contain other structures
A structure can contain the elements of the other structures.
# include <stdio.h>
# include <conio.h>
# include <iostream>
main ()
struct date {int day;
int month;
int year;};
struct address {char path [30];
char city [20];};
struct {char name [40];
struct date of entry;
struct residential address;
float salary;}
employees = {"Arief Kurniawan", 17,11,87, "Highway 5", "Yogyakarta", 750000.00};
/ * display the employee data * /
cout << "Employee Name: " << karyawan.nama;
cout << "\ nTangggal Log: " << karyawan.masuk.hari
cout << "\ nThis address: " << karyawan.tinggal.jalan;
cout << "\ n " << karyawan.tinggal.kota;
cout << "\ Koran Employees Rp" << karyawan.gaji;
getch ();
Enumeration is a data type that has elements of type constants in the order specified. The values of these constants in the form of integer values represented by the identifier written between curly brackets "{" and "}".This type is declared with the enum keyword.
Enumeration declaration:
Nama_enumerasi enum {value1, value2, ...}
Example program 3:
/ / program to access the structure elements
# include <iostream>
# include <conio.h>
j_kel enum {male, female};
int main () {
struct students
{Int nis;
char name [20];
j_kel sex;
/ / input data
A.nis = 123;
A.nama == "Windha";
A.kelamin = female;
/ / output data
cout << "\ nNis:" << endl << A.nis;
cout << "Name:" << A.nama;
cout << "\ nKelamin:" << A.kelamin;
getch ();}
Structures that contain other structures
A structure can contain the elements of the other structures.
# include <stdio.h>
# include <conio.h>
# include <iostream>
main ()
struct date {int day;
int month;
int year;};
struct address {char path [30];
char city [20];};
struct {char name [40];
struct date of entry;
struct residential address;
float salary;}
employees = {"Arief Kurniawan", 17,11,87, "Highway 5", "Yogyakarta", 750000.00};
/ * display the employee data * /
cout << "Employee Name: " << karyawan.nama;
cout << "\ nTangggal Log: " << karyawan.masuk.hari
cout << "\ nThis address: " << karyawan.tinggal.jalan;
cout << "\ n " << karyawan.tinggal.kota;
cout << "\ Koran Employees Rp" << karyawan.gaji;
getch ();
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